On Saturday May 13, 2023, the Vista Historical Society held its Annual Meeting at the Shadowridge Country Club. As well as having lunch the society accomplished three things, induction of 12 new members into the Vista Hall of Fame, election of members to the board of directors recognition of retiring board member, and a talk by the society president Eleanor Hutchins on the state of the Vista Historical Society.
The meeting began with the pledge of allegiance led by President Hutchins and the invocation led by society treasurer Terry Moxley. The induction of new hall of fame members was overseen by the master of ceremonies T.R. Robertson. Each inductee was introduced by a representative and then spoke themselves or if they were deceased by someone else.
The first inductee honored was Cathy Brendel introduced by former Vista City Manager Rita Geldert and Moonlight Founder and Hall of Fame member Kathy Bromacher. Next Dr. David Cowels was introduced by his daughter Nannette Stamm. Third, Alan “Spike” Harvey was introduced by Hall of Fame member Sandi Graham. Hall of Fame member and longtime Moonlight costumer Carlota Malone introduced the next two inductees, Randall Hickman and Doug Davis. David Hubbard introduced his parents, the next inductees, Pat and Connie Hubbard.
Dan Trotta introduced the next inductee, his late father Dr. Frank Trotta. The last inductees were the first board of directors of the Vista Irrigation elected in 1923. They were responsible for a good source of water coming to Vista. Speaking about them was Jo MacKenzie president of the VID, Next, retiring board member Carolyn Chiriboga was thanked for her 15 years of service. Re-elected to the board for new 3-year terms were Russell Harvey, Eleanor Hutchins, Sharon Larimer, and Terry Moxley.
President Eleanor Hutchins then talked about the state of the Society by talking about our events this year. These included the July 1st Big Band Jazz Hall of Fame Orchestra performance at the museum at 2317 Old Foothill Dr. in Vista. The Jazz Orchestra will present a Celebration of the Music of America. Our ice Cream social will be on July 22, at the museum. The annual VHS BBQ will be September 23rd with music by The Ride also at the museum. The brick fundraiser is still underway to purchase a brick with up to three lines engraved to be used to trim a walkway at the museum.